Knowing Jesus and Making him known
Christ is the reason our church exists. Jesus was born into a broken world, populated by broken people, but he lived in perfect love. He died a sinners death in our place, but death could not hold him. He rose to new life and reigns in glory so that those who trust in him can be sure of eternal life with him. We seek to know him so that the pattern of his life will be seen in our fellowship.
The shared vision of the churches in the Chenies Benefice is to be a people in which Christ is known and through which he is made known. We come to know God as we read and study his Word (the bible), as we receive his sacraments (Baptism and the Lord’s Supper), and as we worship him together. We make him known through our personal stories of living in Christ, as we serve in the community and as we proclaim the gospel in the community.
We believe in the power of prayer to change our hearts and the world around us. So if you are seeking God I hope you will find Him as we worship and serve together. If you know God has called you to serve him in Little Chalfont, Latimer, Flaunden or Chenies then we hope to support you in your vocation.
Rev David Whale