A Community of

Faith, Hope and Love

To know Jesus and to make him known

Welcome to Chenies Benefice, four churches along the Chess Valley seeking to serve and glorify God in our communities. We are part of the Church of England and we are here to encourage all who live and work around us.

If you have questions about God, or you’ve moved to the area and are seeking where God is calling you to serve and worship we hope you find this site helpful.

For those considering a wedding in one of our churches you should be able to find much of the information you need to start making choices.

Welcome to the Chenies Benefice

For the latest news of what’s on, please browse the calendar. If you would like to be fully involved in life of the church please fill in the Electoral Roll application form (digitally is fine).

St George’s, Little Chalfont


Situated at the heart of the local community St George’s is a worshiping community committed to serve God by serving others. Here worship is informal and gospel focused.


St Mary Magdalene, Latimer

St Michael’s, Chenies


This is a place where God has been worshiped for around 800 years. Worship today follows the traditional structures of the Church of England, with a clear emphasis on both Word and Sacrament

Serving the needs of Latimer and the surrounding farming communities. Worship today follows the traditional structures of the Church of England, with a clear emphasis on both Word and Sacrament

Serving the needs of Flaunden and the surrounding farming communities. Worship today follows the traditional structures of the Church of England, with a clear emphasis on both Word and Sacrament

St Mary Magdalene, Flaunden

The thought of coming to church can feel more than a little daunting. You will probably have a number of questions and reasons why it’s not a good idea. We have highlighted some common reasons why people worry about attending, and tried to provide some reassurance that it might be better than you fear!

1. "I won’t know what to do"
Nor do we sometimes, but we’ll help you and not try to catch you out. And anyway, who cares if someone sits down when everyone else is standing up!
2. "I don't know anybody"
That'll last until you walk through the door. We're just the same as you - local people from in and around the area - and cannibalism died out round here a few years back . . .
3. "Ten years ago, someone at a church somewhere was really awful to me"
That's really bad, and we're sorry you experienced that. Give us a chance to make that up to you.
4. "My kids will be too noisy"
Great; we love noisy children: each one created uniquely in the image of God. And anyway, the vicar can be quite noisy too!
5. "I can't come to Church until I get my life together"
Church is HOW we get our life together; a place for new beginnings and a place for belonging.

6. "Church is filled with a bunch of Hypocrites"
CORRECT! and there's plenty of room for more . . . Imperfect people are especially welcome.
7. "Is there some kind of Dress Code?"
YES. The code is 'wear some clothes'. Come as you are.
8. "I'm not sure I believe everything you believe"
Absolutely FINE! But you can still belong and be part of a group of people journeying together to learn how to love. Doubters are always very welcome.
9. "If you knew me, and what I’ve done, you wouldn’t want me"
If you know us, and what we’ve done, you wouldn’t be worried. Forgiveness is at the heart of the Christian message. It’s OK to not be OK.
10. "I'm not Church of England"
SO? Church is not about a religion – it’s about relationship: relationship with God and relationship with each other.

Follow our journey.

We are blessed to have a great number of faith filled churches in our local area. Click here to find out more…


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


01494 762233